Monday, July 20, 2009


(I started this blog more for myself, almost like a journal. I have been terrible at posting what is going on with us right now. We have been quite busy and I really just don't have the desire to do it, but I'm making myself! So I will try to post once a day until I am caught up.)

Around the end of June Maddox and I made our way down to Utah to attend one of my great childhood friends, Kadie Kinney's, baby shower. Kadie is expecting her first child, a girl, in August. The baby shower was beautiful and stunning! The food was delicious and we had a fun time playing bingo, even though I didn't win. It was great to see her and her family!! Maddox and I had a great time and wish that we could of stayed and visited longer, but when it was over we had to leave and make the drive back home.

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